Appointment Scheduling

Dr. G. Luco
1-7120 West Saanich Rd Brentwood Bay B.C.


May 27, 2024

Online appointments are out of order after an update with my (current) Internet host.
I am switching to another provider and hope to have them up and running in the next 2 weeks.




Please call the office if you have symptoms that may be Covid so we can quickly arrange testing and treatment if needed.

Please call the office if this is a new Worksafe or ICBC visit so we can obtain the necessary details.

Most medical care in BC is covered by the Medical Services Plan but certain services are not covered and would be charged to the patient.. This link has further details.


Book Or Change An Appointment:

Video Appointment
Telephone Appointment
Office Appointment- If you are booking an office appointment please note the office has moved to Brentwood Bay
Please call the office to book Drivers medical exams, ICBC, and first Worksafe visits as more time is needed for the appointment.
Enter the year you were born::   4 digit year
The last 4 digits of your phn:   PHN or medical number from your BC Care Card (or back of driver's license). For example if your phn is 9012851722 enter 1722. We need this information to find your records.
Your Telephone number:   I will call you at this number. I will also use this number for Video vists in case there is a problem connecting.